United Way Scholarship Application
City of Evans Recreation Department
The City of Evans Recreation Department, with the help of United Way of Weld County, has a scholarship program to help provide financial assistance opportunities to Evans’ residents for recreation programs.
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: * 80% of scholarships will be awarded to residents of the City of Evans with the remaining 20% available on a first-come, first-served basis to residents of Weld County
ACTIVITIES / PROGRAMS * Spring | K-8th Grade Volleyball, 6U-14U Soccer
ELIGIBLE FOR SCHOLARSHIPS: * Summer | 5-6 year old T-ball, 7-8 year old Coach Pitch, 9-12 year old Co-Ed Softball
* Fall | K-6th Grade Volleyball, 6U-14U Soccer, K-6th Grade Flag Football
* Winter | K-6th Grade Basketball
* Youth Dance | Ongoing
* Any late fees associated with registration
SCHOLARSHIP CONTRIBUTION: * Max of 2 programs per child per year
* Scholarships are granted on a funds-available basis
APPLICATION PROCESS: * All scholarship requests must be on the official scholarship form.
The application must be completed by the parent/guardian.
Applications must be completely filled out to be considered for the scholarship.
* Parents or guardians must provide proof of current enrollment in a school lunch assistance program or
a government assistance program to be eligible for review.
* Once the application is received, requests will be reviewed and the applicants will be notified.
Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Submittal of an application does not guarantee the applicant a scholarship grant.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: * Completed applications MUST be turned in during the following submission period for their respective sports seasons.
Applicants will be notified within 2 business days of the submission deadline and must register before the registration
end date of the respective sports season.
Spring: January 1st to 2 weeks prior to registration deadline of respective program
Summer: April 1st to 2 weeks prior to registration deadline of respective program
Fall: June 1st to 2 weeks prior to registration deadline of respective program
Winter: August 1st to 2 weeks prior to registration deadline of respective program
Youth Dance: Ongoing
* This scholarship is valid for programs that start between January 1 and December 31, 2025
(or once funds have been exhausted).